I like to make Pulled Pork Sliders with a sweet and spicy bbq sauce then top it with a hit of bitter. Apple cider vinegar pairs well with honey and mustard to give your cole slaw a kick.

Sharp Slaw Dressing

3T           extra virgin olive oil

2T           acv

2t            honey

1/2t        salt

1/2t        pepper

1/4t        dry mustard

1/4t        cumin

In a small bowl, whisk together 3T extra virgin olive oil, 2T apple cider vinegar, 2t honey, 1/2t salt, 1/2t pepper, 1/4t dry mustard, 1/4t cumin. Whisk well, pour over 1lb. bag of cole slaw vegetables.

As pictured, on a Pulled Pork Slider.